Quick Search By Name
or Registration Number:
We recommend searching on the kennel name. Partial search terms work better with more results.
You can also search on color, registration number and by breeder's name (last name searches are best).
To search by date of birth: Enter the date as YYYY-MM-DD, for example 1969-06-01 will show all dogs born on June 1, 1969.
You can also search on just a year, for example 1969 will show all dogs born in 1969.
Still can't find a dog? Check the
New Dogs page
frequently for new information. Feel free to contact us
and we will try to help!
(In an effort to keep the old bloodlines from being lost, this database was started back in 1996 with an emphasis on dogs from the early
1800's thru the 1960's. Some of the 70, 80 & 90's dogs have been entered. You may not find recent dogs, but you may find great-grandparents.)
Pedigrees of your dogs can be added, please use our contact form to submit their information.