A Journey Thru Time...
German Shepherd Database Project

Quick Search By Name:

    Add Dogs to the Database



    To keep control over the dogs and maintain the integrity of the database only moderators and admins of the website are allowed to enter information into the database.

     If you would like to add your dog(s) or have updates on existing dogs, please fill out and submit our Request Access form below.

     Once approved, you will be given access to the add/edit section of our website. We appreciate your interest in the German Shepherd and hope to hear from you!


    Request Access Form






    Info & Tips

    Use the Search Page or Quick Search on left before entering a new dog to avoid entering a dupe. If that happens, no worries, send an email & we'll fix it, we've all done it.

    To edit - use the search dogs box on the Add/Edit Dog page by typing a few letters of the dog's name (or part of the kennel name) - it will show a list of matching names, you select one, then hit submit. It will bring up that dog with the information it currently has. You can change and/or add anything there. You can also use the Quick Edit on a dog's page, all fields but the name can be changed.To make corrections to the name, you will need to use the regular Add/Edit link.

    To add a new dog - click on the link that says "To Add a dog, please click here" near the top of the Add/Edit page.

    If the dog's name is the same as an existing dog (but is not the same dog, different dob, different registry, etc) add the Reg Number to the name like this: Don's Best Dog (W123456) or Don's Best Dog (AKC W123456)

    Date of birth must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (exp 1986-01-01) with the dashes. If unknown, skip the field. If only a partial birth-date,  enter it in the Notes field at the bottom of the form.

    Color Marks - optional. Used for tracing the white and/or black gene. Email with questions if not sure.

    Photo - optional. Default photo is a black & tan. You can change this by entering a matching color from the ones listed. If the dog is a white, enter white.png. If the dog is silver grey, enter silvergrey.png, etc.  You can submit a photo via email (we'll get it uploaded asap for you)

    Sire/Dam, if not in the database, skip the field. You can always edit the new dog later after you create the sire/dam to link them.

    If Sire/Dam ARE in the database, make sure to select (click) them from the results box after you've typed part of the name in the Search Dogs...

    Notes Box - this is a public field, don't put anything there you don't want the world to see.

    Double-check your info before submitting - your changes will post to the database right away.

    Hit Submit - you will go to a page thanking you and will have a link to the dog you just edited/added. Important - click on this link to make sure the dog's information is there & entered correctly.